AXL Academy Code of Character

Be present; Listen actively. Honor other people's contributions. Consider new ideas with an open mind. Notice the good.

Question; engage. Be prepared. Persevere when things are hard. Discover your strengths, values, passions, and responsibilities. Seek positive change.

Show commitment through actions, not just words.
Be honest. Know your purpose. Represent yourself and AXL with dignity. Do your fair share.

Be a good role model. Leave no trace; treat materials and space with care. Help others and make sure people feel safe and comfortable.
Welcome guests to our school.

Have wonderful ideas and share them without fear.
Risk trying your best. Learn from our failures and mistakes. Be willing to try new things. Trust your crew.

Treat materials and space with care. Reflect and revise.
Collaborate. Use quality work habits. Risk trying your best.