AXL Academy
450 South Chambers Road
Aurora, Colorado 80017
Tel: 303.377.0758
For all inquiries, please call our main office between 8:00am-4:00pm: 303.377.0758
303.377.0758 ext. 4
Get Involved
Your voice, time, and donations matter! We are proud to partner with our families to honor family voices, offer robust volunteer and leadership opportunities, and provide ways for families to participate in their scholar's learning. Together we engage, empower, achieve.
Parent Coffee
Every month we invite our families and community to meet with the leadership at AXL and discuss recent events, volunteer opportunities, a presentation on what is happening at AXL and more. For the next coffee, check out our calendar. All are invited and welcome to attend. For in-person translators or accommodations, please contact
Our Parents, Educators And Kids (PEAK) group meets every month and is a great way to get involved with your student's education, oversee fundraising efforts and meet other families. Click here for more info.
Board Meetings
Our Board of Directors meet monthly for public meetings. All are welcome and invited to attend. Our Board of Directors are made up of volunteers who get voted onto the board. These volunteers are families of AXL, community members and a teacher representative. You can get involved with public comment in the meeting, reading over financials and joining the board to provide leadership for the school*. For the next board meeting, check out our calendar.
*Training available and required for all board members
We need YOU! We have many options available to volunteer and help with the school. This includes:
reading to small groups of scholars
making copies for teachers
helping with arrival/recess/lunch/dismissal supervision
sharing with neighbors about AXL Academy
serving as an athletic coach for sports
participating in fundraisers
serving on leadership committees (Fundraising, School Accountability Committee, Governance Committee, Marketing, Financial Committee, PEAK, Board of Directors, & more).
& More!
Whether a one-time or regular basis you are looking for, we welcome you to volunteer at our events and in the classrooms. Email to set up a one-time or reoccurring volunteer time.